Sunday 16 November 2014

The Alcohol Market (and other local breweries)

The UK alcohol industry is one of the biggest markets in consumer goods, as the industry provides approximately 2 million jobs.
It is very worth noting, that 18% of direct employment of the EU spirit industry is in the UK. < image reference at this link.
£16.6 billion in tax money, is provided by the alcohol industry, which is a very large proportion of the uk tax income.

There are many different companies that are part of the alcohol market, with such large market holders as Heineken, Stella Artois, Carling, Budweiser, Coors, Smirnoff, Jack Daniels, Fosters, Kopparberg, etc. < image reference t this link. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link.
Surprisingly, consumption of alcohol increases statistically with gross household income, where the more money one has, they are more likely to consume/purchase more alcohol, and contribute more to the overall industry.
It was worth picking this brief due to the size of the market.

I want to discuss beverage packaging now, as I think that it would be of great help to my development of the criteria if I take a look at this sector. < image reference at this link.

The sector of beverage packaging is a very large one, as it takes into account the plans, organisation, assembly, and the printing & production.
It is an area that all beverage companies have to take in account, and of course Wylam brewery is no different.

To get more insight into how wylam deal in the area of beverage packaging, I established some communication with Chris, the man who I met at the 'Tyne bar', in order to get a better look at the subject from their stance as a company.

My market for Wylam appears to be very localised, and I even asked Chris, who works for the brewery yesterday, and he said that his primary market was local.

A Wylam bar coaster, found in the Tyne bar.

Another local brewery that I have come across where their market is locally based, is one that is based in Durham city.

Hill Island:
The brewery is called Hill Island microbrewery, and it can be found tucked away behind the shops on the high street.

I have noticed this brewery whilst exploring through the city, and also because they have a small market stall, within durham indoor markets.

The city of Durham, seen in apple maps.
I am trying to arrange an interview with the owners, and I will hopefully receive one soon.

Durham Brewery:
Another local brewery is one called Durham brewery. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link.
Like Wylam, their range shows signs of marketing toward local audiences, with such beers/ales as St Cuthbert, and Evensong, and Bede's Chalice, referring to Durham's religious heritage, and its stunning cathedral.
Durham Cathedral and its stunning surroundings.
Rudgate Brewery: < image reference at this link.
Rudgate brewery is a brewery that is based in the city of York. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link.
It's products can be purchased through the site above.


If I come across any more local breweries, I will update this blog.


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