Tuesday 25 November 2014

Shirley Sherwood

Shirley Shirwood, OBE, is a botanical illustrator based in the UK. She is heavily associated with Kew gardens.
http://www.newyorksocialdiary.com/legacy/i/partypictures/11_24_09/SSHerwood.jpg < image reference at this link.
She has been interested in both plants as well as art from a very early age, and she received her undergraduate degree in botany from Oxford university.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Oxford-University-Circlet.svg/2000px-Oxford-University-Circlet.svg.png < image reference at this link.
Below I will provide examples of some of her stunningly detailed, colourful, and very beautiful work.

http://cdn.ltstatic.com/2008/April/HS521463_942long.jpg < image reference at this link.
http://www.culture24.org.uk/asset_arena/3/46/18/181643/v0_master.jpg < image reference at this link.
http://cdn.ltstatic.com/2008/April/MP136821_942long.jpg < image reference at this link.
http://www.ashmolean.org/ash/exhibitions/images/TreeFern.jpg < image reference at this link.
She started the Shirley Sherwood collection of contemporary botanical art in 1990, which now holds more than 850 painting and drawings, from a varied assortment of artists and illustrators.

http://www.kew.org/files/styles/content_featured/public/assets/KPPCONT_028415.jpg?itok=ZfSRHavX < image reference at this link.
Her family support the Royal Botanic Gardens, known as Kew, with the building of the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art.
The gallery was officially opened in 2008, by wildlife documenter, David Attenborough.

I really am a fan of her work, as it is very highly detailed and polished.
I will use her as a source of inspiration for my design, as well as the other botanical illustrators that I have researched so far.

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