Wednesday 12 November 2014

Company Ethos

The company ethos is included in the Wylam brief, as well as being stated on the companies website.
The overall goal of the brewery is to produce, and distribute quality alcohol, referred to as 'proper beer'. That could be sold in local pubs, and drunk by 'proper people'. < image reference at this link.
The thing that stands out to me on analysis, is the word, proper.
What does 'proper' mean in the way it is used? < image reference at this link.
I think what I am gathering from this ethos (and this is just speculation by myself), is that 'proper' people could be defined as perhaps working class folk, small businessmen, and people local to the area. After all, one of the key mutual inspirations of the company start up was to see the beer in the founder's local pubs.

I have sent an email containing a question about their ethos, and I am awaiting a reply, if I don't hear back, I will be stalking to one of the co-founders on Friday, and I will update the blog then, containing more information on the subject, and also more about what I feel the company ethos stands for. < image reference at this link.


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