Monday 10 November 2014

My Choice

After careful consideration, time to think (with a clear mind), a group discussion with Ben, Amy, and my peers, as well as research into the options that are available to me, I have finally decided which brief to go with.

The Wylam Brewery brief.

The brief that I have decided to go with is the Wylam Brewery brief, this is a very big brief that has so many pros, and is one that is the most enticing to me, as if offers a level of creative freedom, and since the brand is not yet established, does not have a 'house style'. < image reference at this link.
The criteria of the brief is the development, concept, and creation of a final bottle label, as well as several 'beer clips'. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link.
This is a very different project for me, but in many ways it reminds me of the module just past, as for this module, I will again need to create many concepts, and go through a very similar style of plan.

I am also very supportive of local businesses, which also helps to make this brief stand out a bit more against some of the others, especially the ones that are based in London.
Being successful with the project could mean that every bottle of the beer contains my design, and it will help to get my name out into the commercial world. < image reference at this link.

Overall I am very excited about the chance to work on such a project, and it has posed a big choice in my class, it will be interesting to see everyone's own interpretations on the designs.

I will be producing a lot of research on not only the company, but also their demographics and ethos, as well as the products that they currently sell.
I will establish communication with them via email at some point over the course of the research period.

I have begun work on a brainstorm book, of a similar style to my last module, however featuring more inside.
The book is full of Roman imagery, as the product I will be developing for features a high level of Roman influence.
I will consolidate all of my Roman research into a single blog, and it will be split up into sections.

Such Roman themes include architecture, weaponry etc.

As well as colosseum animals, such as Lions, Tigers, bears etc.


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