Sunday 9 November 2014

Ernest Brief - Choice 4

The Ernest brief appears to be a choice that has a great level of both challenges, and huge rewards tied to it.

The brief is all about creating and curating an exhibition to be featured onsite at the establishment.
The company works with a wealth of different artists/designers and illustrators, and offers them a space to showcase their work, whilst offering a casual social setting, being a cafe/bar.
All food is locally sourced, often like their illustrators, who a lot of them are from the north-east of England. < image reference at this link. < this link provides a video, showing what the company is all about, its location, and some of the people who work with them.

The brief states that there must be a minimum of four illustrations to be featured at the exhibition, and if I decide to choose this brief, I will need to go to the location to see what I would be working with.
Another important note, is that it would be up to me to fund the production/installation costs, and also it would be my job to design the publicity materials. < image reference at this link.
A small section of the exhibition space available at the café can be seen in the above photo.
This shows a small example of what kind of space I could potentially have to work with, if I decided to choose this challenging brief.

This brief is very huge, in terms of the criteria, as well as the potential rewards.
I will consider this brief very carefully, as there are a great deal of benefits to this route.


  • Local.
  • Huge potential exposure/benefits.
  • Income involved.
  • A rare opportunity.
  • A huge workload.
  • A failed exhibition would be bad for my reputation.


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