Friday 19 December 2014

Summary of Designs (see updated message)

This module has been one of my favourite modules to date, as I feel as if it has really challenged me and my illustrative skill/voice, whilst giving me a taste of what it is like to develop something within the commercial space, as well as the academic space, which the latter I am very much used to.

For the Wylam brief, I was tasked to come up with the design for 3 different items, those being a bottle label, and two separate beer clips.

The first one that I set upon developing, was the beer bottle label, and in the end I came up with 3 finals to submit to Wylam. < image reference at this link.

My final bottle designs can be seen below.

1st variant of the wraparound label.
2nd variant of the wraparound label.
3rd variant of the wraparound label.
I then moved onto developing the the 'beer clips', in which there was two different clips to develop.
Those being a 'clip' for the font, and a clip for the cask pump, to which examples can be found below in respectable order. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link.
I wanted both of the clips to work together, as well as working with the bottle label.
I looked at my bottle labels, and thought about what I could do for the design of my clips.

After going through various stages of development, which I highlighted and recapped in the final clip development blog, I came up with the following two final designs, starting with the 'Font clips'.

Final #1
Final #2

Moving onto the 'cask pump clips' now, and my two finals can be found below.

Final #1
Final #2

With the final designs now ready for submission, they need to be digitally submitted at an industry standard.
I will be producing a blog all about the submission process soon, as it contains very important information.



I have recently found out that I can only submit one design per criteria, so that it remains fair to the other people participating in the same brief as me.
Because of this, I have selected 3 designs that I will be submitting to Wylam for the academic side.
When the time comes to submit commercially sometime later in the year, I will go ahead and submit the multiple choice designs that I originally intended to submit.

Final bottle label with bleed.
Final Cask Pump Clip with bleed.

Final Font Clip with bleed.

Note: The bleed is hard to see due to my black border, and adding guidelines would mean that it could be incorporated into the design.
The border is 1mm thicker to allow for cutting lenience.


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