Sunday 14 December 2014

Clip Concept #3 (working on my ideas)

Looking at some of the rough ideas that I came up with in the last clip development concept, I want to recap what I have thought about so far.

So far in my clip development, I have looked at what needs to be done, and I have thought about certain routes to go down with for the design.
This involves once again a botanical theme, coupled with another secondary theme, such as as focusing on animals of the colosseum.

In the past, I have produced research on both themes, so I will work primarily from this when developing my concepts, leading up to my final designs to be submitted to Wylam.

I will be using all of my previous research within the module to help me assemble my clips, which involves all of my research on the Romans, the product I am developing for, the market, and the dimensions.

Using my ideas that I thought about in the last development blog to do with the clips, I managed to come up with a rough assembly mock of what the final could look like, just as an idea.
Below you can see both the 'font clip', and the 'cask pump clips', sharing the same design.

'Cask pump Clip'
When coming up with a simple draft for my circular beer clip, I realised that I had not yet gained the knowledge to create a circle canvas in photoshop, so this required a quick check online. < image reference at this link.
With this knowledge I began assembling my circular canvas, which can be seen below.

Step one.
Even the text has to be circular.
It is new for me to be working in a different canvas shape, and with the new canvas shape, this effects the shapes of other elements, such as the border and text.
I am happy to be learning new skills in photoshop, which is very important for any illustrator.
It makes for very good practise.

With all of this in mind, here is a simple draft of my circular 'Font Clip'.

Circular Font Clip
In the next stage of my clip development, I will be refining my ideas, and producing several refined concepts, as well as going over the ones that can be seen in this particular blog.


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