Friday 19 December 2014

Clip Concept #6 (assembling my final clips)

Now that I have chosen a concept to base my 'beer clips' on, I feel that I am ready enough to begin creating my final designs.

Like the bottle label, I want to produce several variants of the clip finals, in order to give Wylam a range of different designs to choose from.
This will offer me a higher chance of having my design selected for use on the actual product.

I will be using the elements that worked well on the concepts that I produced earlier, and discarding the elements that did not, in order to give me a refined, professional looking final design.
This is in a similar fashion to how I refined my previous bottle label concepts, and I found it to provide me with a good level of development, so because of this I have decided to stick with using this method, since it has been successful in the past.

As a recap, I decided to base my 'Font Clips' on concepts 3 & 4, and my 'Cask Pump Clips' on concepts 1 & 3, and visual extracts from the previous stage of development can be seen below.

Choosing my 'Font Concepts' in the previous stage of development.
Choosing my 'Cask Pump Concepts' in the previous stage of development.

Like the bottle label development, I will producing several finals of each clip to submit to Wylam Brewery, in order for me to have the best chance of success with the designs.

Below you can see some screenshots that I took during the final assembly process, and how I have taken inspiration from the concepts that I previously developed, notably concepts #1 and #3.

Working on a final variant of the rectangular 'Cask Pump Clip'.
You can see in this image, I am adding a border inspired by concept #3.
Working on the same final as the previous screenshot, you can see how I tweaked the colour of the Eagle illustration to match the similar style inspired by concept #1.
My first final 'Cask Pump Clip'.
You can see how I have taken various inspiration from these two concepts featured above, with the colour of the Eagle, and the border, as well as the dominant red colour scheme, and the boldness.

In the next stage I will be showcasing my final multiple clips in full.


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