Friday 12 December 2014

Clip Concept #1 (initial thoughts)

With the label now fully on track to being developed as I am producing the final variations now, I must move onto my text task as part of my assignment brief as set by Wylam brewery, as not only is it a very important part of the criteria for my academic brief, but also for my commercial client brief.

This task is to come up with the design, and production of 'beer clips'.
In total there are 2 different ones to develop for, one being for the font, and the other being for the cask pump.

See below for the official criteria, as taken from the actual Wylam brief, which includes a bit more detail.
An extract from the Wylam brief.
These are equally important as the bottle label, so like the label, I will focus a great deal of effort into the creation of these two clips.

Below I will show some examples showing what exactly beer clips are, starting first with the circular font clip.

Font Clip: < image reference at this link.$_35.JPG < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link.


Cask Pump Clip:

Moving onto the 'cask pump clip' now, and I want to show examples of this. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link.

There are many different ways in which I could go about coming up with the design of my beer clips, and in order to streamline development, I will start with the conception of the 'font clip' first.

I want my clip to follow a similar style to that of my bottle labels, as I want them to all work hand in hand.
To do this, I want to take a look at my 3 final bottle labels, using it as a basis.

Label 1:
1st version of the wraparound label.

Label 2:

2nd variant of the wraparound label.

Label 3:

3rd variant of the wraparound label.

All 3 of my bottle labels contain the heavy theme of botanical illustration, which is something that I do want to continue on with in order to keep a running theme.

I really want to incorporate something else into the clip, to make it work with the label, but still be an individual design, that is not just a clone, shrunken down.
I will think about this in the next development blog orienting around my Wylam beer clips.


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