Thursday 18 December 2014

Clip Concept #5 (choosing a concept)

In the last blog post discussing the development of the Wylam 'beer clips', I began the creation of my initial concepts.
I feel as if with all of my concepts created, there is room for improvement and refinement, and also certain concepts stand out over others.

At the end of this blog post, I aim to choose a concept for each clip to use as a base for the finals.
This development route will be in a very similar fashion to how I previously developed my final bottle label.

I want to start by going over what I have developed so far, starting with my 'font clips'.

'Font Clips'

Concept #1

Concept #2

Concept #3

Concept #4

'Cask Pump Clips:

Concept #1

Concept #2

Concept #3

I like a lot of my designs, but some I prefer some over others.

I want to pick at least one design to base each final clip on.
I will start off by talking about which design to base my 'cask ale clip' on, which was the first set of concepts that I developed.

'Font Clips':

I really like these concepts, however my favourite ones that stand out to me, are concepts 3 & 4.

I like these designs, because they contain both the themes of botanical illustration, as well as the theme of Roman animals. Concepts 1 & 2, look good, but they look far too simple for my liking, and they don't contain as much details as my favourite ones.

I also like the use of the dominant colour of red, rather than yellow, as I feel it makes the design more bold.

These are the reasons as to why I have decided to base my final 'font clips' on designs 3 & 4.

'Cask Pump Clips':

Moving onto my 'Cask Pump Clips' now, and like the bottle label, and the 'Font Clips' I stuck with the running theme of red and yellow, as I wanted my designs to work together almost in a set.

I like all of my 'Cask Pump Clip' concepts, however I particularly like concepts 1 & 3, due to my usage of colour, and I really like the illustrations that I used on them, mainly my illustration of an Eagle, which is an animal that is commonly associated with the Roman military.
I decided to not include concept #2, because I was not fond of the borders used in the concept,  where as the borders used in concept 1 & 3 appear clean, more professional, and defining, in my opinion.

In the next stage I will be piecing together my final clips, using what I have developed within this blog, and all of my previous blogs.


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