Friday 19 December 2014

Clip Concept #7 (final clips)

After a few weeks of development, I finally have my final 'beer clip' designs ready for submission.
Developing the clip took 7 stages, and a lot of research filled with concepts, and I want to briefly talk about each stage in development, so I can provide a recap.

I first began developing my clips, by going over initial ideas to do with the clip.

Initial ideas.

I then moved onto thinking about some initial ideas and concepts, as to what I could do with the clips, which helped in my preliminary development.

Possible Ideas.
The third stage involved working on my ideas coined in stage two, and was a key point in coming up with the final designs.

Working on my ideas so far.
The fourth stage in the development of my concepts, involved the actual assembly of my concepts, and was a vital stage in the development of my beer clips.

The fifth stage involved choosing one of my concepts that I created in the previous stage, to use as a base to use for my final clips.

The sixth stage highlighted the assembly of my final clips.

And finally, the seventh stage is where I am at now, highlighting my finals, and also going over how I got to the finals by briefly discussing my step by step development.

I want to now move onto discussing, and showcasing my final 'beer clips' now, and will start by showcasing my round 'Font Clips', afterward, I will be moving onto my rectangular 'Cask Pump Clips'.

'Font Clips':

The circular 'Font Clips' are the clips to be placed onto the font.

Final #1

This first 'Font Clip' uses the imagery of an Eagle, which is a creature commonly seen in Roman culture and mythology, for instance as part of the Roman insignia.
The yellow font works well against the deep red background, and the botanical imagery.

Final #2
This final is very much so like the one above, however instead of an eagle, the imagery in the center is that of a Lion, again an animal that is very commonly seen in Roman mythology, and culture, for instance the Colosseum.

'Cask Pump Clips':

The 'Cask Pump Clips' are the clips to be placed on the cask pump, and I have created two final variants for submission.
Final #1
The first final design situated above notably doesn't contain any theme of botanical illustration.
This is because as I was about to add the imagery, I felt as if this clip was bold enough, and adding more imagery onto the design may have made it seem cluttered.
Because I would be creating more final variants, it would be up to the brewery to decide which one worked best, and so I thought that I would give them an option.

Final #2
This clip contains both the imagery of botanical illustration, and of Roman animals such as the Eagle, (which you can see in the middle).
It is quite similar to the first final 'font clip' concept, but with aspects tweaked, notably focusing on the border areas of the design.
The font has also been tweaked to appear more bold, and contrasted against the deep red background.


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