Wednesday 17 December 2014

Clip Concept #4 (creating concepts)

Over the past few blog posts to do with the development of the beer clip, I have come up with a few ideas, and have put them into practise.

Blogs so far in exclusive development of the clip.
From all of my development so far, I feel both confident, and ready enough to begin creating clip concepts, and to streamline development, I will create concepts for both the 'cask pump clip', and the 'font clip', at the same time, going against what I said earlier on, where I was going to focus on only one at a time.

I will begin by showcasing my 'Font clips' first, and these can be seen immediately below.

Font Clips:

The font clip is the round variant of the 'beer clip'.

Concept #1:

Concept #1
Concept #1 is heavily based on the botanical theme that I have previously been looking into, and working with for the development of my bottle label.

The round clip features all of the necessary information needed to be featured on the clip, as stated by the official brief, and the clip concept also works with the similar colour scheme that was used for the bottle label.

I like this concept, it is simple, very eye catching, and works with my bottle label finals well, to act as a continuation of the design theme.

3rd variant of the wraparound label.

I do feel that more could be done to this concept however.
For example, I could use a caraway seed border as part of the design, which would not only make it more bold, but would allow more of a connection to my botanical theme, and how the product is linked to the caraway seed/plant.


Concept #2:

Concept #2
Concept #2 uses a similar design to the first concept, but it contains an entirely different theme.
This concept incorporates the theme of Roman animals into the design, notably the Lion due to the history of the colosseum, and how the Lion is a fierce animal, representing the Roman Army's power.

Like the concept above, this variant contains all of the necessary information needed to be featured on the clip, and although the image above is not to scale, the actual photoshop file is.

I would like to incorporate elements of botanical illustration into future concepts, for example, I have been thinking about using the botanical theme as part of the clip's border.


Concept #3:

With concept #3, I have used a much more heavier use of botanical illustration, and coupled it with the theme of the colosseum.
I have also inverted the colours, making the background, a more dominant tone of red.

In my opinion, I feel as if the caraway flowers that surround the lion in the centre, help to make the clip concept stand out a lot.

This concept uses two theme for the first time in my clip development so far, and without being too biased, I think so far, this design is the most appealing to me.

Concept #3


Concept #4:

Concept #4 is very similar to my third concept, however I have changed the original imagery of the Lion, to that of an Eagle.
The Eagle was another well recognised animal that held a lot of symbolism in Ancient Rome, as it was often used as military insignia.
This could help tie in the soldiers of Valerius, as this theme is seen on the brief as part of the ethos behind the product. < image reference at this link.
Concept #4

Cask Pump Clips:

The 'Cask pump clip' is the larger, rectangular variant, to work alongside the round 'font' clip.
It is the bigger out of the two, and will be positioned higher, similar to the image below. <  image reference at this link.

Concept #1:

This first 'cask pump clip' concept once again contains the running theme of red and yellow, as these are colours that are commonly associated with the Romans, especially within their military culture.
I also used these colours as a major part of my bottle label.

Concept #1

The first Clip concept features a theme of animals found in the Roman colosseum, for this concept variant, it is the imagery of the Lion. < image reference at this link.

This illustration is bold against the red background, and the typography is also bold.
I feel as if this design is clean, and very eye catching, which is what is needed in a clip, as it is usually the first thing you tend to see in a bar environment.


Concept #2:

Like the first concept, this design also uses the imagery of Roman animals.
Instead of a Lion, I wanted to use the imagery of an Eagle, (known to the Romans as an Aquilla), and there are several reasons behind this choice.

For starters, the Eagle is a common symbol used in Roman culture, most notably as part of the Roman Army's insignia, which an example of this can be seen below. < image reference at this link.
Concept #2
I like my illustration in this concept, as I feel as if it is one of my strongest illustrations of a bird to date.


Concept #3:

Concept #3

This concept uses two different animals as part of the design, and also incorporates the botanical illustration theme onto the clip, as the clip has two caraway flowers toward the bottom of the design.

The two animals almost appear to be merged, which I think has a good effect to it, as the Eagle could perhaps symbolise speed, agility, and a good eye, whilst the Lion could symbolise powerful, and strong.

In the next level of clip development, I will be looking at basing my final clips on the concepts that I have produced within this blog post, seeing what works, and what does not.
This will form the basis for my finals, which I will begin to develop over the next few days.


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