Friday 26 December 2014

Communicating with the client

Now that my proposed designs are completed, I thought that it would be a good idea to contact the brewery, to see what they think of my designs.

Earlier on last month, I was given contact information to get in touch with Chris, a man who I met early in into the brief.

It is very important to have professional communications between yourself as an illustrator, and a client, who is basically the boss.
I briefly went over the topic of communication earlier on in a different blog in the module, and highlighted his importance. < image reference at this link.
I have established communications with other people/companies in the past, in relation to my practises, however this would be the first time establishing communications with a 'client'.

Below you can see my transcript that I have sent to the address above, and of course I will update the blog when I receive a reply.


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