Tuesday 6 January 2015

New Academic Note

I have since found out today that I must only submit one design per criteria, although I am disappointed by this, I will follow this new piece of information, and select only one design per item, those items being the bottle label, and the two separate beer clips.

I was told the reason why this was, is because it would be unfair to the group, for me to submit more than one item when it came to the academic side of the module.
This means that I must now choose only one design per item, just for the academic side.

I like all of my designs, but there are a few that really do stand out to me.
I have placed them below, and I will talk a bit about each, and why I have decided to choose these particular designs.

'Bottle Label'.
'Font Clip'

'Cask Pump Clip'

Bottle label:
I do like all of my bottle labels, but I feel as if the 3rd final is the one that stands out to me the most, and visually looks the most professional.
I love the use of colour,  imagery of the lion, the botanical theme, as well as the font type, and assembly.
It is a wraparound label, so it would wraparound the glass bottle like a lot of other bottle types, for example similar in style to the photo below.

'Bottle Label'.
Font Clip:
Again, I love all of my font clips, as they both look good and well developed in my opinion.
I really like my illustration of the font clip, as I feel that it appears very visually Roman, and works very well with the design.

I love the colour palette that I have used, as well as the choice of font, and the merge of the themes included in the design.

'Font Clip' Final #1

Cask Pump Clip:
I think that the pump clip which can be seen above, is a very striking design that contains two visual themes, and works very well with all of the other designs that I have been developing.
It is to the correct dimensions, and at the correct DPI, like all of my other designs.

'Cask Pump Clip' Final #2

I am looking forward to finding out what Wylam makes of my well-developed designs.


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